Collin Street Bakery is an icon in Texas. Famous for their fruitcakes and in business since 1896 (that's a long time folks), these people know what they are doing. And my absolute favorite treat is their Pecan Brittle. I can't really explain what is so wonderful about this particular brittle - but they just get it right!
I don't even want to know what the calories are in a serving. Last month when we passed through I got myself a box. And I will admit up front that my husband didn't know quite the extent to which I loved my brittle. He had no idea each time he casually rummaged through the box for a choice piece of brittle and nonchalantly popped it in his mouth that his wife was sweating bullets. I know. It's embarrassing to admit the level of my greed when it comes to brittle. But like I tell my kids - if you aren't proud of something - say it out loud. Go ahead - confess. Embarrassed? Yeah - that's good. So maybe you will stop. :)
I like to hoard my brittle - making a box last for 2 weeks. Savoring each piece I reward myself with. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear.....
Shut the door! Actually - there was also an empty Coke Zero can next to the remote.....yes - I actually recreated the scene of the crime for this post - I'm THAT nerdy. I couldn't believe it though! The box was still half full when I last saw it! And there he sat - the criminal - looking as cozy and happy as a fat cat in the sun....crumbs on his shirt.
He had no idea what he had done "What? I just had a little snack." Poor guy - he didn't know what hit him. Thankfully next week, a friend from my running group casually mentioned on a jog that she was going to the Baylor game that weekend. My antennae went up. Trying to sound casual "oh yeah - that sounds fun. Will you guys b e going through Corsicana?" The rest is history. Thanks Jennifer!
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