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Christmas Cards

I absolutely LOVE Christmas cards.  Growing up my mom saved everyone we ever received.  Each year I couldn't wait to get out the card basket and rummage through old cards through the years.  Back in the 80's you were super fancy if you actually had a picture on your family Christmas card.  But now they are very common and are my favorite choice (obviously).  Now I do the same thing my mother did and it's so neat each year to look back and see how friends and families have grown and changed through the years. 

Cards come in literally all shapes and sizes. From tri-folds, to flat, to press-printed or on photo paper.  I offer several designs to choose from and can do a custom design for a fee.   I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!

Examples of PRESS PRINTED cards:
These are beautiful and come in different finishes such as pearl or linen.

Examples of PHOTO cards:
These are printed on photo paper - just like prints, and have a white back.

*****Please note that these are examples provided by my vendor and are not credited to Lori Ivey Photography*****

Below is my 2010 Christmas Catalogue.  In it you will find designs offered for the 2010 Holiday Season.  Enjoy!

Click to launch the full edition in a new window
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